
Chamber Kicks Off 25th Year with Celebration

Celebrating 25 years is a milestone for anyone, whether it is marriage, employment with a company or a Chamber of Commerce and the Greater Milford of Commerce is thrilled to be celebrating their Silver Anniversary in 2015. To kick off the celebration year, the Chamber will host a Kick-Off Celebration at IG Burton on Tuesday, January 20 2015 from 5 to 7 PM. Food and beverage vendors will be on hand to give attendees a “taste of Milford” and the winning design from the logo contest will be revealed.

“It is fitting that we have the event at IG Burton since David Burton was our first official president,” Jo Schmeiser, Executive Director said. “His father was a part of the chamber before it was organized professionally and his son, Charlie, was the first two-term president.” Jo says that they are trying to find as many past presidents as possible for the event.

Angie Hicks of the Milford Chronicle was the winner of the Logo Design Contest and will be introduced at the event along with the new logo. All events throughout the year will be coordinated around the new logo.

David Burton said that Milford has changed since he became the first official president, although he was quick to point out he was not the first president as the group had been around for a long time prior to his election. He said the Chamber began when a group of businessmen began to get together informally to discuss ways to promote Milford businesses.

“Milford has grown so much since those first days,” Mr. Burton said. “It is different, but a good different. I am excited to see where we are heading. It pleases me to see so many young people involved in businesses now. Honestly, this chamber began with a group of young guys who thought they would rule the world and it is the young people that will keep it going.”

The event scheduled for January 20 is open to the public. For more information, contact the Chamber at 422-3344. You can send an email to milford@milfordchamber.com or find them online as well.