
Help the Less Fortunate and Milford High School Students

The Chamber of Commerce of Greater Milford has established four scholarships that will be awarded at the end of the 2014-15 school year. In an effort to raise money for the scholarship fund, CCGM is holding the First Annual Clothing Fundraiser that will run until March, 27, 2015. CCGM is hoping to raise $2,000 that will be used to award four scholarships of $500 each to Milford High School students.

“The fundraiser will help less fortunate people with donations of clothing, which go to third world countries, as well as to secondhand and thrift shops for resale,” said Ruth Abbate, who is chairing the committee along with Craig Warrington. “The Chamber is paid by the pound for the clothing we donate.”

Clothing donated must be clean, but can be in any condition, including with tears, rips or stains. The group will also be accepting shoes, purses and belts in any condition.

“We will also accept linens, including sheets, towels, bedspreads and tablecloths,” Ms. Abbate said. “Curtains and stuffed animals are also accepted as donations as are blankets and loose material.” Items may be dropped off at the Milford School District Annex, located at 315 Kent Place or at the CCGM Office at 411 South Rehoboth Boulevard. All items should be placed in plastic or garbage bags.

The CCGM Scholarships will be awarded to one boy and one girl who are graduating from Milford High School who plan to further their career in business. In addition, scholarships will be awarded to one boy and one girl who have learning disabilities but wish to continue their education. More information will be provided regarding the scholarships at a later date.